Introducing an educational all- day event featuring some of the industry's leading tattoo experts and an informative UNMC/College of Public Health presentation on "Human Trafficking and the Tattoo Industry".
All morning conferences are FREE including Gunnar and the Human Trafficking presentation. Stay for your complimentary lunch and continue being inspired by 3 more amazing guest speakers through the afternoon (with ticket purchase)! Don't miss this exclusive networking & informative experience.
Please register for admission to one or all conferences with the "Buy Tickets" link. Limited seating available.
An exclusive tattoo educational event brought to you by the University of Nebraska Medical Center - College of Public Health.
Thursday - May 23rd, 2019
9:30am - 6pm
(The Day Prior to the 1st Annual Council Bluffs Tattoo Convention)
The Matt - Omaha
13th & Cass St.
Downtown, Omaha
Drink & Draw Fundraising Event Following the Conference
7pm - ?
Brickway Distillery
1116 Jackson St
Omaha, NE 68102
"Mistakes that are easy to make and hard to fix - Lessons learned the hard way so you don't have to."
Find out about some of the fatal mistakes you are likely to be making in your business now that will haunt you later. This stress test will give you a clear idea how well your studio is protecting it's clients, team members, and business. A failed business is no joke, and lessons learned the hard way can cost friendships, partnerships, immeasurable stress for those around you, and millions in business. Protect your studio's future as best you can, while designing your finances and exit strategy to be as graceful as possible. After over a decade of teaching seminars that stood out from the many on "How to Build a GREAT Tattoo Business", this is new workshop will cover the many mistakes that can add up to a perfect storm, have you asking vital questions, and inspiring action to help ensure your studio can withstand the tests of time